Minutes of 30th June 2021

Present: Cllrs Cooper (Chair); Gaston (Vice Chair); Morley; Wilson-Brown, Matthews (LCC),

Two members of the public were present at the meeting. 

Mrs M Hoad, Parish Clerk took the minutes.

Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone to the meeting following the APM and as there were no additional public comments the Chairman opened the meeting for business.


268         APOLOGIES

Cllr Devereux (ELDC) and Cllr Marsh (ELDC) had been unable to attend.  Cllr Willoughby had also sent her apologies.  It was resolved to accept all reasons for absence.


                There were no declarations of interest from Parish Councillors at this meeting.


It was proposed by Cllr Gaston seconded by Cllr Cooper and resolved by all that the Chairman sign the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 4th May 2021 as a correct record.


It was agreed that any action items were to be covered in the agenda.   


272         FINANCIAL

A. Accounts to be paid/authorised The Council noted the following payments – Clerks Salary & Expenses May/June, Expenses D Morley £52.00, PCC Bilsby Grant £400, Expenses P Wilson-Brown £3.86 and it was resolved to authorise all payments – totalling £753.50

                B. Annual Internal Audit Report – the report was available at the meeting and had been circulated to the Chairman and Cllrs for review.  It was resolved to accept the report and there had been no recommendations advised by the auditor.

                C. External Audit April 1st 2020 – 31st March 2021

Certificate of Exemption – it was resolved that the Council was exempt from submitting a completed Annual Governance & Accountability Return to the external auditor for a limited assurance review on the grounds that it was exempt due to the gross income or gross expenditure was under £25,000 threshold; the documents would be placed on the Council website and exemption certificate forwarded to the external auditor.

Section 1: Annual Governance Statement – the document was circulated, and Council was asked to review the content – it was resolved to approve section 1 as accurate.

Section 2: Accounting Statement – the document was circulated and duly considered at the meeting & it was resolved that the account statement was correct.

Exercise of Public Rights : Council confirmed the period for the exercise of public rights as required by Regulation 15(2) Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 as commencing on the Monday 5th July 2021 and ending Friday 20th August  2021; Clerk to place all relevant paperwork on the Parish Council website by Friday 2nd July 2021 in order to comply and return the exemption certificate to the external auditor.

D. Confirmation of Bank signatories – Following debate it was resolved to remove B Scarisbrick as a bank signatory due to his resignation from Council and to add Cllr Gaston.  Clerk to undertake bank mandate changes.

273         PLANNING

N/016/01354/21 – Felice, Alford Rd, Bilsby - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide an enlarged kitchen and dining room.  Following debate, it was resolved to support this application and the Clerk was asked to update ELDC planning portal accordingly.

N/016/00369/21 JORICH FARM, BACK LANE, BILSBY, ALFORD, LN13 9PT. Permission has been granted. 

274         HIGHWAYS

Cllr Gaston advised she had received a complaint regarding speeding on Thurlby Road from a resident and asked if a further traffic survey could be undertaken to look at speed and volume of vehicles. It was resolved to request an Archer survey for this location.  One resident pointed out that the reactive speed sign was not working and had not moved location for some time.  Cllr Morley advised she would get the sign re-charged and with local help re-positioned.  A further mounting plate for the speed sign was requested for Alford Road and the Clerk was asked to investigate the costs of this for further consideration. 

Road closures and heavy traffic:  The Clerk advised the meeting regarding details of the Viking Link heavy vehicle transportation dates taking place through the village which had been published on the web site and FB page.  She also reminded the meeting of the overnight road works in Alford to start on the 5th July - A1104 Miles Cross Hill with Ulceby Cross Roundabout and A1104 East Street junction with A1111 Bilsby Road. These details would be published on the FB page and website. 

Cllr Wilson-Brown reminded the meeting of the condition of Back Lane, Bilsby where the passing places were now in very poor condition and full of potholes.  Cllr Matthews advised to report this problem again via Fix My Street and to forward details on to him so that he could follow up with Highways.  He advised it was very unlikely that Back Lane would be considered for a TRO to limit the size of vehicles, however he would raise again the problem regarding the condition of the passing places. 


a. Noticeboards:  The Clerk advised that she had contacted Inspire regarding a quote for repair/replacement of the Parish Noticeboard but that currently due to the volume of workload Inspire could not consider a proposed job until 2022.  Cllr Willoughby had sent in a suggestion to mark the Royal Platinum Jubilee in 2022 with a new notice board.   This idea was agreed on by all and the Clerk was asked to source some possible costs for a new noticeboard.

b. Community newsletter/engagementIt was resolved to hold this item on the agenda for further consideration and the Clerk was asked to see whether the Parish Council could place a regular editorial into any other locally established publications.

c. Phone Box project – FarlesthorpeIt was resolved to hold this item on the agenda until it could be discussed/ presented to residents in Farlesthorpe – this to be undertaken by Cllr Bailey.

d. Provision of Dog Bins – The Clerk has circulated costs of new Fido25 dog bins and securing banding for consideration.  It was agreed the site on Thurlby Road footpath was suitable for the provision of a dog bin.  It was noted the site on Back Lane could incur problems with possible ‘dumping’ from a nearby business, however it was resolved to order a bin for this location and should any dumping take place to report this to ELDC for investigation.  The site identified off Sutton Road is on private land and following discussion with the landowner they did not wish for a bin to be sited at this location, finding the provision of signage worked effectively.  It was therefore resolved to order x2 new bins for installation and add these to the waste collection route.


  1. Email resignation from Brian Scarisbrick and notification of vacancy – emailed to all.
  2. Receipt of additional 30 mile per hr. road signs – delivered to PWB.
  3. Notification from ELDC enforcement regarding Bilsby Dog Field – emailed to all.
  4. Lalc News – circulated to all.
  5. Cllr Mathews Briefing – emailed to all.
  6. Email from Jonathan Stockdale regarding footpath off Sutton Road – emailed to all.
  7. HWLincs press release regarding survey – circulated to all.
  8. Viking Link cable drum deliveries – published on FB and web site.
  9. Request from Bilsby PCC for grant towards church yard maintenance – added to payment agenda and circulated to all.
  10. Rural Services Bulletin – circulated to all.
  11. Email sent to Parkers regarding possible permission for dog bin site – copied to all.
  12. Email bio for Norman Gaston – co-option to Parish Council – circulated to all.
  13. Planning application N/016/01354/21 – Felice, Alford Rd, Bilsby – circulated to all.



Following the resignation of B Scarisbrick an additional vacancy had been created on the Parish Council.  An application to the join the Council had been received from N Gaston who met all the criteria required to stand for co-option.  Following debate, it was resolved to postpone making any decision on co-option until the September meeting in order undertake a proper period of advertisement for the vacancy on the Parish noticeboard, web site and FB page.  The Clerk was asked to advertise the vacancy and N Gaston’s application would be held over until the next meeting. 



                Cllr Marsh and Cllr Devereux had not been able to join the meeting and therefore there was no further update at this time. 


Cllr Matthews advised the meeting he was now undertaking the role of Executive Support Councillor for health and welfare and working closely with NHS Public Health on issues/projects within the County.  In addition, he had the following key points to advise the meeting:

  1. The Alford overnight road closures for resurfacing to start from the 5th July.
  2. Huttoff Car Terrace car park had now been completed and double yellow lines added on the approaching roads to the terrace.  Car parking fees would be in place and this action had been taken to prevent the parking of visitors’ cars and motorhomes in the approaching roads to the terrace.
  3. The Boatshed Café would be open as of the end of July and was being run by the same management as that of the North Sea Observatory.
  4. Viking Link had set up community support compensation grants and therefore if the transportation of items through the village caused major disruption or any damage then residents or the Parish Council could apply for compensation. 


 Agenda items as outline above.  Next Parish Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 2nd September 2021.


    Accounts for payment                                                                              Meeting                   30th June 2021








Clerks Mar & Apr Salary & Expenses







HMRC tax code change – no payment required







PCC Bilsby – Grant







Dot Marely plant purchases







Pat Wilson-Brown – cable ties for speed signs

















There being no further business the Chairman thanked attendees and closed the meeting at 20.10