5 September 2024


Clerk: Mrs Kerry Culley
56 Bridgeways
LN13 9FA

The next meeting of the Bilsby & Farlesthorpe Parish Council will be held on 5 September 2024 at 7pm in Holy Trinity Church, Bilsby.

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.

Prior to the council meeting commencing there will be a period of not more than 15 minutes when any member of the public present may raise matters.  Once the Parish Council meeting commences members of the public are not allowed to speak unless permitted by the Chairman.

K Culley    Parish Clerk    30 August 2024


38.    Welcome
39.    Co-option - To consider a request to be co-opted on to the Council and resolve whether to co-opt and receive co-optee’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
40.    Apologies for absence
41.    Declarations of Interest in agenda items under the Localism Act including any requests for dispensation.
42.    To approve as minutes the notes of the meeting held on 11 July 2024
43.    To receive any updates from the meeting not itemised on the agenda.  
44.    To receive any general updates from LCC and ELDC Representatives 
45.    Updates on National Grid proposals for pylons and substations
a.    Consultations correspondence
b.    Update on photos to make a mock-up of the proposed substation site at Bilsby.
c.    Public meeting
d.    Banners
46.    Financial:
a.    To approve any payments due including: 
i.    Clerk’s salary and expenses - £355.68
ii.    HMRC payments - £7.60
b.    Update on  transfer to the Unity Trust Accounts.
47.    Planning - To consider any applications received and updates on outstanding planning applications:
a.    Minerals and Waste Local Plan consultation

48.    Correspondence:
a.    Email from Bilsby Church
b.    Request from Cllr Hudson for parish council support for her business to apply for a brown sign
49.    Update on councillors’ official email addresses.
50.    To receive an update on the funding for a speed indicator sign
51.    To receive any update on the commemorative plaque for 80 years of peace.
52.    Any other Matters for general discussion (not decision) or items for next agenda. 
53.    Date of next meetings:
a.    Parish Council meeting – Thursday 5 September 2024 . 
b.    Public meeting 17 September 2024 at 18.45 hours.